Tegola or simply tile:) Fun in Poland is not practiced by anyone if I may so express it, is the numbers of fans in sunny Italy. This is where they invented the tile can not only cover the roof but serve to create its dream home:) it suffices to put it upright and fixed to the ground-or wall-mountable. Stamperia-Stork Poland invited me to create such a house-this is what came out of my actions.
Here are photos of "pig" or tegoli before the decoration. Tegola is burnt terracotta. On the second picture after wstąpnej treatment-see locally imposed and the ground paste stukturalną
As promised I am adding photos of the so-called "salad" or accessory before the metamorphosis. Yes wyglądałay wells, taps, fountains, and other sign before they fell into my hands:)
certainly is not the last Tegola in my life. I think that soon I will be able to present in Cafeart.pl odd how such a house is created. This will be just one of dozens or hundreds of possibilities but the main objective is to present as a home to go about something like this:) Best wishes:)
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